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Booking Swim Sessions - New Payment Provider

Booking Swim Sessions - New Payment Provider

 Booking Swim Sessions - New Payment Provider ‍

‍Dear Visitor ,

You may or may not have been aware of issues that some of our visitors have experienced when paying for swim sessions in our online booking system. While the number of people affected was relatively small, this issue has kept recurring on a regular basis. The problem was not the booking system itself but with our payment provider.  

After reviewing the problems, we were not confident these problems would not continue to re-occur in the future, causing frustration for our visitors and extra work for our Pool Team. We have therefore taken the decision to change our payment provider. 

How will this change affect you? In short, it should have little or no effect, and hopefully it will be easier. The only thing we have done on the new payment system has been to remove PayPal as an option for payment. We don’t believe many of our visitors have used PayPal to pay in the past. If we find that this is an issue, we will look to reinstating it. Our new payment provider supports all the major UK debit and credit cards.  

The change of payment provider will not effect our drop-in swims where you pay at the gate. The payment system there will remain in place as before. 

If you have any questions or problems, please contact our Support Team directly via our Contact Page. The Support Team are there to answer your questions or deal with any problems you may have. 

We plan to move over to the new payment provider on Monday evening, 24th July. 

‍Kind regards

‍The Support Team, Cirencester Open Air Swimming Pool 

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Cirencester Open Air Swimming Pool is community & charitable facility entirley managed and
run by volunteers in their spare time.

‍Copyright © 2024 COASP, Registered charity No.1158739. All rights reserved.

Patron, Rt.Hon. The Countess Bathurst