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Thank you for your Support

Thank you for your Support

 Thank you for your Support ‍

‍Dear Visitor ,

 As we approach the end of another season, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for your support throughout the season.

Just a friendly reminder, our doors will close for this season this coming Sunday, September 17th. We hope to see you at the pool one last time before we say goodbye to summer!

However,  before we say goodbye until next season we'd love to hear your thoughts on how you have found this season at the pool. We would be grateful if you could take a moment to complete our survey and share your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas. Your input helps us look how we can make your experience even better next season. Please click on the following link to complete a very short survey.

Pool Survey 2023

As charity and community facility, we wouldn't still be here 153 years after first opening without the wonderful support of our local community. Your continued support keeps the pool's legacy alive and thriving.

Thank you for being an essential part of our community. Your presence at the pool has made all the difference and we have loved sharing another season with you.

See you at the pool this week for some final summer fun!  

‍Kind regards

‍Cirencester Open Air Swimming Pool Team and Volunteers

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Cirencester Open Air Swimming Pool is community & charitable facility entirley managed and
run by volunteers in their spare time.

‍Copyright © 2024 COASP, Registered charity No.1158739. All rights reserved.

Patron, Rt.Hon. The Countess Bathurst